Watch Cindy Jacobs New TV Show When Heaven Hears!

Your Not Stuck!

Hello Everyone,

I was praying about how to encourage you. What would the Lord say to you this morning? And the Lord spoke one word to me: Revelation. He said you’re moving into a season where He will give you revelation about what to do. You’ll soon enter a time when the Holy Spirit will reveal the secrets and answers you’re seeking, whether it’s about direction or something else.

Some of you feel stuck. But the Lord says “you’re not stuck. You’re in a quiet season where He’s crafting a new path for you.” It’s important to recognize this, as He’ll show you what season you’re in. Maybe it’s a season of waiting, of active preparation, or a time when He asks you to take a risk. Or perhaps He’s telling you it’s a time of restoration. The Lord reminds you not to be anxious. You will hear His voice and know what to do.

Don’t think He’s not listening or hearing you. The Lord assures you that when you need it most, the revelation will come, and you’ll see the direction for your future.

God bless you. Love you.